So I suddenly find myself immensely busy with commissions of a sort. I've been making my Mom's Christmas cards (well not MAKING per se, but drawing) for the past two years now, and now all of a sudden a bunch of my other family members want some of their own. Cool, right? Well, yeah, because it's more money and more chances to get my work out there, but all at once?! It's rather stressful, especially since my free time is basically nil since Fiona was born. I'm getting a crash course in time management, one that has been long overdue methinks.
Anyways, work is the same as when I left it almost four months ago. Depressing, because it wasn't good. I had hopes of things getting better, but it seems they must get worse before that can happen. (And worse it is) I guess I should count my blessings that I even HAVE a job, given the current state of the economy. And I am hugely blessed in other areas of my life, particularly my family. Fiona is growing so fast, and gets cuter and cuter every day! Rory is such a huge help and is so good with her, and I can't believe how lucky I am to have married him! My Mom helps out a lot, like buying her tons of clothes and taking days off to come down to GR to watch her. I wish she could babysit more often (and I know she does too!!)
Fiona's just started rolling over from her back to her tummy. Takes her a little bit, and her arm gets in the way a lot, but she gets determined and keeps trying. She is quite the talker! And so smiley! I like to show her off, so here's a picture of her fropm a couple days ago all bundled up for a walk.