Sunday, November 23, 2008

A couple new Tarot cards

Almost done with commissions! I even had some time to get a few Tarot cards scanned that I was able to finish during the usual slow Sunday at work.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Commissions Galore!

I THINK I'm done with them all for the time being. I can take a breath, finally! And maybe get back to doing my own work ...
Check out the three Christmas cards I cranked out the past few weeks.

For my Mom, who takes precedence over all, naturally. This is her Samoyed Blizzard, otherwise known as Blizzolf the red-nosed reindog.

For my great-aunt Diana, this is the card that took me the longest and was the most-involved. Seventeen people are on this card!

And finally, my own card. I had to sneak this in really quick, so that's why Rory looks rather ... wonky. :(

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Living in History

How exciting! I can tell Fiona that she was there with me when I voted for the first black president of the US. I put my "I voted" sticker in her baby book. :) I know change won't happen over night, but I'm very hopeful for how things are going to be the next four years. God knows this country needs something different! I really like Michelle Obama; she's intelligent and very well-spoken, and the fact that she is a mother, college-educated, and has a young family really appeals to me. (MUCH more than Sarah Palin, that's for sure!)
I forgot to mention Halloween in my last post, so here's a picture of me dressed as a Native American, She-Who-Harvests-Peas. You'll see why I was given that name. :)