Finally got a chance to update
my website. I've been diligently working on my Tarot card set; I've been at them for over three years now. I'm amazed, because normally I give up on stuff if it takes me too long. I'm determined to get this project finished; I can't wait to feel that sense of accomplishment when I hold in my hands a printed, shiny deck of cards I created entirely by myself! I'm wondering if anyone would actually be interested in buying a set? Hmm ...
Anyways, a lot of stuff going on for me. Next month (Feb. 2009) my artwork is going to be on the cover of
On The Town magazine, the Arts and Entertainment magazine of West Michigan. Basically this is HUGE for me ... my illustration is going to be seen anywhere On The Town is offered!! I was also "interviewed" via email by the assistant editor, Melissa Black, so there's going to be a small editorial about me in the same issue. I can't friggin WAIT until it comes out!!! As soon as they print the magazine, I'm going to post my illustration on my website. I don't want to ruin the surprise! Just to be a tease, I'll tell you the name of it is "Rupert." :) I'm really hoping (and please cross your fingers for me!) that maybe something will happen because of my exposure. A new job, perhaps? Cool new commissions? Only time will tell. It sure would be nice to do art full-time, but I know how unlikely that is so I'm not getting my hopes up TOO high.
I'm also in the midst of doing four more black and white illustrations for the
Wizard of Oz RPG. Look for those images soonish.
In other, non-art-related news, Fiona is growing and growing. She likes to squeal loudly, and is learning how to sit up. I've already noticed the beginnings of crawling, so I'm preparing myself for the horrors of a mobile child. ;) Time to start packing up all the valuables and little decorative trinkets I have scattered across my house.
For Christmas I was given *gasp* a PS3 and the new Prince of Persia game from my in-laws. (I'm so spoiled!) I just finished the game a few nights ago; I loved it! The ending, I'll admit, pissed me off at first. Now I have to wait forever for the sequel... anyways, I really like the new Prince. I didn't think Ubisoft could top the Sands of Time Prince, but they did. (They certainly ruined him with Warrior Within, as far as I'm concerned ...) My favorite, however, was Elika. She's awesome, and not your regular damsel-in-distress type character video games tend to make of the female leads. I really enjoy how she's the one saving the Prince's ass all the time. I'm about to take a break from Tarot card drawings to work on a Prince of Persia fan-art illustration that I get excited just thinking about!