Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Stuff

So I FINALLY got my scanner hooked up here in the new house. I'm lazy; just ask mi madre. Anyways, check out the new artworks I posted over on my website:
A picture for my lovely WoW friend Laraie's birthday. Granted, it was a little late, but when he told me what he wanted me to draw, the inspiration hit and I was all like BAM, it is done.
Some concept sketches from a webcomic I'm sorta working on as I get the time. My favorite by far is Revin; his costume was fun to design.
A few more unfinished Tarot cards I inked a while ago. I'm almost done with the sketches; only nine more to go! Then I have a ton to ink and THEN color before I can even think of formatting them into actual cards. It's quite a lengthy project but I'm gonna finish it! I wonder if anyone would actually buy them ...?
So that concludes the art updates. Other than that, I'm still depressed about not having an art job. That is a constant in my life. I wonder whether or not I have the ability to even do that for a living, or if I will be relegated to keeping it as a hobby. That would certainly suck balls, but it's a distinct possibility. I really need to branch out, use different media, draw things OTHER than fantasy-themed people. Le sigh; I do so hate to do that sorta stuff, though. I had a weird sorta moment at work the other day, like this huge restlessness that told me I need to kick my ass into gear and get some shit done. For instance, I want to possibly plan on going to some conventions, printing off nice copies of my best work and shoving them into art peoples' faces so maybe someone will take notice. I've had enough of being a bank teller.
So, other, not so depressing news: Halloween! I'm going to be Yuna from Final Fantasy X-2. Here's a pic if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about:
OBVIOUSLY I don't have the body to pull off the skankiness of some of the elements of her outfit, but I think I can manage making it look halfway decent. I ordered the costume from eBay; now I just gotta get me some of those ass-kickin boots and a necklace and I'll be good to go!
I'm having a LAN party at my house Nov.3-4; it outta be interesting! A few of my guildies I play WoW with are coming from out of state, so I really gotta get my house in some semblance of decent shape so they won't think Rory and I are weirdos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog? I can tell you are lazy, you haven't updated it since September! Oie vay, girl.

Love Mom